Getting your skis waxed costs from $10 to $60 depending on what work you want to be done. A basic wax can be on the cheaper end but will not be as comprehensive. A full tune will cover everything your skis will need for top performance.
When it comes to winter sports it is difficult to top skiing. It’s a staple of the winter months for over 14 million people in the United States alone.
It can also be an expensive activity to take part in. The average pair of skis and ski boots will cost you $600 to $800. When spending that kind of money you want to make sure you take care of that investment.
It is important to wax your skis and perform preventative maintenance on them, not just to keep them in the best condition but for your health and safety.
Continue reading for all the ins and outs of why it is important, and how much it will cost to wax skis.
Table of Contents
Why Is Waxing Skis Important?
Waxing your skis is an important task for reasons ranging from health and safety to fun and finances. Waxing skis can make your time on the slopes a much more enjoyable experience.
It is important to keep your skis waxed because it prevents them from drying out. Some common signs that your skis have dried out are a chalky, discolored appearance and not running smoothly when you are skiing down the mountain.
Thankfully, dried-out skis are fixable with the remedy being heat and a fresh waxing, so if they do dry out it isn’t the end of the world.
The other reason that it is important to wax your skis is to keep the edges from rusting. Wax keeps your skis moist, but it prevents the edges from collecting excess moisture that can rust your edges.
Rust on your edges can cause an assortment of issues when it comes to how your skis perform, making your experience on the slopes a frustrating one. It can also place you and others in dangerous situations.
Rusty edges are also more likely to chip. This is dangerous because chips in your edges can get caught when you’re on your way down the mountain and cause you to slip or skid unexpectedly.
Waxing your skis is important for your experience on the mountain and for the safety of you and those around you.
How Often Should You Wax Your Skis?
As a ski owner, it is important to know how often to wax skis so that you can keep yours in the best condition and ready to go. A basic rule of thumb is that you should wax your skis at least once every year.
Most people wax their skis at the end of the season prior to placing their skis into storage, though if you ski often you can wax your skis more than that.
Whether you’re a serious and dedicated skier or a more casual skier, keeping your skis waxed is an important maintenance step. Waxing your skis will ensure that your time on the mountain is as thrilling as you want it to be.
Some prime reasons for getting your skis waxed are:
- You’re skiing in a new location from where you last skied
- You’re skiing in powdered snow
- Your skis have an extruded base
- You have a chalky, grey residue on the base of your skis
- Snow is sticking to the bottom of your skis
- Its the end of the skiing season
Following these general rules will give you the best experience on the slopes and keep your skis working as nicely as the day you bought them.
How to Wax Skis on Your Own
Knowing how to wax skis is almost as important as knowing how to ski itself. Waxing skis requires certain equipment to make sure that the process is a success, so if you are planning to wax your own skis you’ll want to have these things.
The materials that you’ll need in order to wax your skis are:
- A waxing iron
- Wax
- Base cleaner solution
- A clean rag
- Plastic wax scraper
- Nylon polishing brush
The first step of waxing skis is to clean the base of your skis using the base cleaner solution and wiping it in with the rag. Then you’ll want to let your skis sit and dry for about 15 minutes.
Once you’ve done that you can proceed to the waxing part of the process. For this, you’ll want your waxing iron to be heated to roughly 280 degrees Fahrenheit. Then you’ll want to press the wax into the iron to melt it.
Next, you apply the wax to the ski and begin covering the base with a thin layer. From there, you’ll want to apply the iron to the wax on the ski to ensure that it covers the entire base.
After that, you’ll want to let the wax cool. You can wait as short as 20 minutes but for the best ski wax, you’re better off letting it cool and settle for a full 24 hours.
Once the wax dries, the scraping process begins. Use the wax scraper and remove any extra wax on the base. Remove enough wax to prevent clumping.
The last step is to polish the base of your skis. This isn’t essential, but it will give you a smoother ride and allow you to go faster down the slopes.
How Much Does It Cost to Wax Skis?
So how much does it cost to wax skis? The price varies depending on if you want a more comprehensive wax or a more basic wax. Basic wax jobs cost as little as $10.
If you want your skis waxed with hot wax it will cost you more, as will getting them waxed and sharpened. A full tune for your skis costs around $50 but covers everything you need for the best skiing experience possible.
Overall, getting your skis waxed isn’t overly expensive but if you ski often then being able to wax your own skis can be a cost-effective option.
Get a Wax and Hit the Slopes
Getting your skis waxed will allow you to get the most out of your time on the slopes and will keep you and those around you safe. It is necessary for keeping your skis in optimal shape and isn’t overly costly.
If you ski often then you can wax skis yourself, or you can find a ski resort that will handle ski waxing near you. Whether it is the end of the skiing season or you notice a drop in your skis’ performance, it’s time for you to get your skis waxed.
For all of the best information that will help you get the most out of your time on the slopes, click here.