Last updated on August 18th, 2020 at 04:00 pm
Ski bindings can be reused and mounted on both new and pre used skis. If you take care of your ski bindings, they will have a very log lifespan. You should replace your bindings if they are not functioning properly, if they have been damaged you should take them to a shop to determine if they should be replaced.

Whether you are a snowboarder or skier, your ski bindings are a big and important investment that you make. You will also want to ensure that they are adequately taken care of to avoid expensive and unnecessary replacement. However, each comes with its own set of care and maintenance guidelines to follow. With this, let’s take a look at some of the essential details regarding the reuse of ski binding.
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What Are Ski Bindings
Ski bindings are simply the efficient link between your skis and boots. For your protection, they usually release you from your ski once the exerted pressure on them exceeds the discharge setting. With this, the moving parts of the ski binding are more susceptible to wear, resulting in poor connections between the skis and their skier.
Can I Reuse Ski Bindings
Well, the answer is definitely yes. However, you have to ensure that they are properly tested to see if they still have the ability to release at the appropriate pressure.
It’s also important to keep in mind that the biding designs do improve with time, and what you have may not fit with your new ski binding.
Can I Reuse Ski Binding Holes
This will highly depend on the condition of the ski binding holes. As long as the threads are not stripped, it’s okay to reuse the ski binding holes. However, using marine epoxy and stuffing steel thread wool into the binding holes help in eliminating the problem of stripped threads.
When Should I Replace Ski Bindings
For your safety, it is always essential to ensure that your ski bindings are working perfectly. Any sign of wear and tear should, therefore, be a clear sign that you need to replace them. Below are some of the circumstances that can lead to ski bindings replacement.
The Moment They Become None-Indemnified
The ski industries usually release a list of indemnified bindings that are still being covered by manufacturers. According to manufacturers, each year, some bindings cannot be skied because of safety measures.
While this may sound like a nice trick to make you purchase new bindings, it actually aims at keeping all skiers safe. Once you feel your bindings might be too old, then the right action is to visit your local manufacturer, who will help you determine if the binding is still indemnified.
When They Fail to Pass a Visual Inspection
Bindings, just like ski boots, do wear out. Due to this, you have to ensure that your ski bindings undergo a visual inspection carried out by a professional and certified technician according to the ASTM standards and pass. If anything is lacking or broken on your ski bindings, they will certainly not pass the check-up, which calls for a better replacement.
When the Ski Bindings Jeopardize Safety
Since the ski bindings are made to guarantee your safety, failing to meet this obligation can lead to replacement. Worn out and broken bindings might not release when needed, which can lead to severe injuries. Therefore if your bindings are this old, then it means that they cannot be adjusted legally by a ski tech and are unsafe.
These are simply the main reasons that can lead to ski bindings replacement. However, many other factors can also lead to the same, meaning that you to be very careful, especially when purchasing the bindings. This is because different bindings have different hole patterns, which can conflict with each other.
What to Know About Remounting Your Skis
For the best skis remounting, you have to consider several factors, including the cost of remounting, the pros and cons, and the number of times to remount your skis as indicated below.
How Much Does It Cost to Remount Ski Bindings
It is vital to have a rough idea of the cost of remounting your ski bindings. However, the cost will highly depend on the ski shop and the prices within your area. With this, here is a typical price list that you should expect.
For the standard ski bindings remounting, the price range is around $45, with some ski shops offering the services for free or at a discounted amount once you buy your skis or bindings from their shop.
What Are the Benefits of Remounting Your Ski Binding
Remounting your skis comes with a lot of benefits, and below are some of the significant benefits.
- A too stable and hard ski can be rectified by remounting it into a more forward position to make your turning easier.
- Remounting a ski that seems to responsive enhances more stability
- For powder skiers who are not finding better flotation, then moving your bindings rearward offers a great float.
Can I Remount My Skies by Myself
Yes, you can, but it’s highly recommended that you do not. While the process may seem simple, certified and skilled professionals know where and how to drill new holes, fill the used holes appropriately, and perform a detailed safety check.
Does Remounting Mean My Skis Will Have Holes
Each time you take your skis for remounting, it means the holes will have to be filled.
While there are significant debates on the best methods to apply, ABS plugs seem to work best. This is because they are durable and flexible and will become brittle or stiff even in low temperatures.
The plugs also ensure that all the holes are filled completely and are waterproof. This is very important since the gaps that are not filled correctly will attract a host of major problems. Freezing water swelling to the ski interior and core rot are just but some of the problems associated with not filling the holes correctly.
How Many Times Can You Remount a Ski
Ski remounting can be done as many times as you wish. But keep in mind that the space of your skis will eventually run out.
To maintain the integrity of your skies, a professional will make sure that the required 1cm distance between one hole to another is upheld. Anything less than this increases the possibility of your screws coming out.
How Do You Fill Old Ski Binding Holes
While there are different ways in which filling your old bindings holes can be done, let go through one of the most common methods.
Plastic Ski Binding Hole Plugs
If you are mounting new bindings or remounting bindings on old skis, then using plastic hole plugs to fill the old bindings holes can be a practical approach. Plastic hole plugs are well-known in keeping water out, which could otherwise expand, freeze or even create structural damage.
All you have to do is squirt in a drop of binding or similar waterproof glue and squeeze in one of the plastic plugs into the hole using a hammer. Once the glues dry off, carefully trim off all the protruding plug materials using a razor blade or chisel.
The plastic hole plugs are usually sold as bags with each bag having 20 plugs.
DIY Epoxy and Steel Wool Filling
A mixture of steel wool and epoxy or glue can also work as a DIY ski hole binding option. Just stuff the mix down the hole and squeeze lots of the gluing mixture. However, the services of an experienced professional will help in providing the best solution.
Can I Put New Bindings on Old Skis
With the modern flat decked skis, it is possible to change the binding system by simply removing the old binding and mounting the new binding system on your old ski deck. This, however, will put more holes on your ski, but this is not a problem if you maintain 1cm between the holes.
Mounting the new binding a few distances backward or forward will help you get sufficient distance between the new and old holes.
In other cases, it might not be possible to mount your new bindings to a particular old ski. This applies to a situation where the old ski had already undergone several mounting. This makes it impossible to squeeze a new set of holes in the ski.
Skis consisting of a rail system where the molded ski top deck combines with the binding system cannot be mounted with new bindings. The same applies to skis that have a deck moulding front and back since this can prevent the bindings from being installed in the right position.
Maintenance Tips for Ski Bindings
- Have the ski tuned and the bindings inspected by a professional ski technician every season.
- Ensure the AFD is clean and also replace it as soon as it’s damaged.
- Do not wash the bindings on your own at the end of the season. This can remove the lubricant, and only a certified professional should work on it.
- Store the ski in a dry and warm place during the offs-eason.
For the best skiing experience, you need to have a ski binding that works to its full performance. This will not only guarantee a smooth skiing experience but also puts your safety first. However, to achieve this, you must ensure that the ski undergoes the right mounting and checkups.